Welcome to 2019! We hope that you had a wonderful 2018 and wish you even more luck and happiness in 2019! We are beyond excited for this year with several new board members and a revamped fundraiser.

We would love for you to join us in our first monthly luncheon of the year, taking place on January 18th at the Hobbs Country Club from 12 to 1 pm. We will be having a low carb lunch and a short presentation on maneuvering our website and ways to help boost our Facebook page. We will also be sharing details of our annual fundraiser, the changes that have occurred, passing out flyers and sponsorship letters, and selling tickets.

Please RSVP by Thursday at 10am, so that we can have a head count for food. If you are unable to make it, know that you will be missed and we sure hope you can join us next month!

If you are not a member and would like to attend, please email info@lcwn.net, we would be thrilled to have you!